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SKULL- TEAM #65090 - Check back often for more information here ...
12/09/2024 - marble city qualifier results for 2024
12/07/2024 - marble city qualifier - hardin valley academy
What a great day!
I am so proud of this team. They exceed my expectation, SO MUCH. I am so happy for them.
Thanks to all the parents for coming and cheering on the team.
At the 3:30 closing ceremony...
Your Coach, Terry Carpenter, got the 2024 Marble City Qualifier, Coach/Mentor Award (see picture below)
*** !!! HOORAY !!! ***
Coach Terry wants to thanks the following:
South Knoxville Elementary School
Shay Smith - Our Administrator
Katie Devinney - Our 2nd Coach and Programming Expert - South Doyle High School
Our Team Sponsors
Arconic Foundation - $750
TN Valley Robotics - $265
BAE P&S - $250
And many others...
Team Information Sheet - Link to Team Sheet (PDF) (Handed to the judges from the team)
Judging Session Feedback - Link to Sheet (PDF)
Robot Design Feedback- Link to Sheet (PDF)
Innovation Project Presentation - Link to Sheet (PDF)
Robot Score Sheets
Practice Round - 105 Points - Link to Practice.pdf
First Round - 130 Points - Link to Round 1.pdf
Second Round - 115 Points - Link to Round 2.pdf
Third Round - 140 Points - Link to Round 3.pdf
AGAIN - It was a wonderful day, I'm so proud of these guys!
Don't forget to check out our Event Pictures: Link to Picture and videos
2024 - Coach/Mentor Award
Terry Carpenter
12/06/2024 - The CALm before the storm ( 23rd meeting )
One extra meeting - Friday before the tournament on Saturday, Dec 7th.
Katie and the boys - work on programming for the contest
Terry and Shay - Planning
Planning (Lists)
Things to bring
Big Bin to hold Team Stuff - Big Black rolling bin (empty first)(clean-out)
Folding Chairs
Extension Cord(s)
Power Strip
Only one yellow bin with spare parts
Pit Area Stuff
Table cloth
Jolly Roger and Pole
Floating Shark with tether to table
Hats and Eye Patches
Charge all five hubs tonight, bring all 5 hubs
Thumb Drive Storage - backup
My Chrome Book and Backpack
Plastic Bin(s) for competition robot
Don't forget any attachments
12/05/2024 - one and done ( 22 of 22 )
Research Presentation - Dress Rehearsal - Pretend that it is Saturday
Show me how you are going to act on Saturday.
Timothy, Eli and others?
Really nice attachment: Link to Attachment Example (Video Length: 6:11)
One attachment, needs only one motor, use to GRAB, LIFT and DROP... nice!
He shows you how it works and how to build it in the video.
Complete those challenges
Get robot programmed with all challenges
Use one number for one or two challenges
Make a list so we know what number goes with what challenge
On Saturday, you have to use Mr. Terry's Chromebook. (We can not use school Chromebooks)
Save those programs on the computer (or USB thumb drive)
Meeting on Friday 3pm-5pm - To help Coach Terry with planning
Shay, Katie, Bentley, Garrett, Kaesyn, and Titus
Everyone else be here at the school at 6:30 AM on SATURDAY MORNING- See email that I send out to your parents today.
BE courteous, friendly and kind to all other teams at the competition.
We are not competing against them, we are competing against ourselves. (FLL - IS ONLY OFFENSE, NO DEFENSE)
Help out another teams if they need some help.
If someone offers you help, then take it graciously and thankfully.
Take turns at the practice table.
Only work on one challenge at a time, then give other teams the practice table.
12/03/2024 - two more and out the door ( 21 of 22 )
Research Presentation - Practice
Line Up
Walk in
Read your lines
Answer Judge's Questions
Sing the Song (Finn - play the song, use iPAD and Blue Tooth Speaker)
Hand in Team Sheet to the Judges (ELI)
Everyone Leave the room - Wave to the Judges!
Let's run thru a match with the timer, see what points we get.
Make adjustments, and try again.
Timmy, let us know what our score is. Use iPad score sheet.
Friday 3pm to 5pm (one extra meeting?)
Titus, Bentley, Kaesyn, Garrett... Can anybody else be here?
Saturday, Dec 7th, be at the school at 6:30AM
Great Coding Help Video Recommended by Katie - Link to Video (18 Minutes)
Link to Cheat Sheet: Link to Document
Items to bring - Dec 7th
Printed SKULL TEAM Roster (All 10 SKULL team members APPROVED !!!)
Table cloth, South Knoxville Elementary School Rocks - Red
Power Cord - Power Strip
The Black Beard's Pirate Ship Model - Mr. Terry built it.
Team Banner, Team Poster(s), Team Give-a-Ways and Large Pirate Flag on a pole.
A large bin or trash bags to store, coats and belongings under the table
Spare Hubs - charged up
Robot - Fully Charged - with Flag and Captain Jack
Laptop, iPad and Black Back Pack
Bins with Robot and attachments, USB download cable(s)
Bin, with spare LEGO parts
Games, something to do when bored. Terry's Floating Shark
Dress like a pirate, Coach Terry will hand out to take home on Thursday: (shirt, hat, eyepatch) you can add other stuff if you want.
Printed Scripts for research presentation, Song Words, Grog Bottles, One Team Sheet and Grabber
LUNCH? PIZZA? Bring money for snacks.
11/26/2024 - Three more and out the door ( 20 of 22 )
Run thru research project presentation.
Everyone read your part- LOUDLY.
Eli - Hand the Judges our Team Sheet.
Answer some questions from the judges.
Judges will ask? Do you have anything else? THEN...
Sing the Song, Use your mugs and Word sheets - Finn: Play the song using the iPAD.
Remember our team strategy from last week. (see picture below)
I want to see some practice runs.
One robot
From one side to the other (many times) with 2:30 minute timing
Doing challenges along the way.
Two teams of two boys, select the program, align the robot and press the button
GO... GO... GO...
11/21/2024 - four and no more ( 19 of 22 )
Run thru research project presentation, with mugs and song at the end. -- Finn: Play the song using the iPAD.
See diagram below...
If your 2 man group is not up, then keep score, on the big screen, iPad, or clip board (paper & pencil)
Need someone to work the timer.
If you see a way that we can score ANY more points, TELL SOMEONE, THEN START WORKING ON IT!
We have to get the challenge programs loaded onto one robot.
Study the Scoring Rubrics
Study the Robot Game Rule Book
Add some code to complete another challenge, Assign it to another number.
We need to remember which program number is for which challenge.
We can't use a computer at the MAIN TABLES.
11/19/2024 - five, no jive ( 18 of 22 )
Run thru research project presentation, with mugs and song at the end.
Eli - Hand this to the judges at the end of the song. - LINK -
We need a new team picture, with pirate hats and eye pieces.
Get busy with challenges.
Alex, Julian and Braylon - Need to get you signed up.
Snacks next week, if you work hard today, quietly!
11/14/2024 - SIxth Sense ( 17 of 22 )
You guys have been working hard.
You are doing GREAT and I am proud of what you have accomplished so far.
I believe in you guys, don't let me down. We'll have a great time at the competition.
You guy have to trust Shay, Katie and myself to get you ready for this competition.
We are doing the best we can. THIS IS OUR FIRST YEAR TOO.
The Competition - 1. Challenges working and a 2. Presentation
You must get serious now, not much time left.
Help the team! DO NOT HURT THE TEAM. Do what you can to help us.
Commitment: Will you all do this, for the team?
1. Presentation:
Read Script Cards LINK
Everyone, first run thru of our presentation to Shay and I.
2. Challenges
Inspirational Videos
Challenge Completions (3:08)
Second Video (2:06)
Third Video (1:31)
Forth Video (1:34)
For Shay for parents - LINK
11/12/2024 - SEVENTH heaven ( 16 of 22 )
Pirates Role Call:
Team Titus/Bentley
Team Eli/Garrett
Team Kaesysn - Got a SKULL Flag - (With a modified Robot - This is OK, we are out of some parts needed)
Go for Victory Markers NOW!
Work on Challenges - Eli, Garret, Titus, Bentley, Kaesyn, Finn
Work on Research Presentation - Timothy, Alex, Julian, Braylon
Work on Pit Table Decorations (Pirate Ship) (Pirate Stuff) (Pirate Music)
Work on Pit Table Hand Outs (Pirate Give Aways)
Read "Terry's" Research Project Script - LINK - Fix it (or use it) "Terry's" Script - Make it better!
Challenges - Rule Book - LINK
Challenge Updates - LINK
Marble City Qualifier - Information Sheet from Last Years - LINK (Parents should review this, good info about tournament)
Schedule and Teams
11/7/2024 - Pieces of eight ( 15 of 22 )
Pirates Role Call: Terry, Shay, Bentley, Eli, Alex, Finn, Garrett, Braylon, Julian, Titus, Timothy, Kaesyn
Snacks and Capri-Sun
We only have EIGHT more scheduled meetings left before the competition !!!
Pirate History Lesson - Pieces of Eight
Shirts - Updates?
Competition Outfits - You'll get a shirt, a pirate hat, and one eyepiece. You can add more, if you want.
Transportation for the competition on Dec 7th?
Our research presentation, (See Research Project page)
Finn - Great Report, plus I have reported feedback from Titus, Garrett and Alex
Others Boys - Do your internet research assignments and turn in your findings.
Julian - I studied his input more. I found something that we might can use, not sure?
SKULL Flags are here. Get a challenge completed, get a flag.
Victory Markers for additional challenges completed. Red and Black Dots
On the Team "Officially" - Finn, Timothy, Garrett, Titus, Bentley, Kaesyn
Not on the Team "Officially" - Julian, Braylon, Alex, and Eli
Your parents need to send an email to
Tell me to put you on the team roster. I'll send a request to FIRST ROBOTICS.
Your parents are to follow the instructions from the email received from FIRST to get you signed up.
GET BUSY - Let's try to get some of those challenges done, TODAY.
Shirt Front View
Shirt Back View
10/31/2024 - Beware of the pirate ( 14 of 22 )
Pirates Role Call: Braylon, Titus, Julian, Eli, Bentley, Alex, Finn
Snacks and Water - Pirate Booty
Continue from last week
Changes to our competition robot are ok
BUT everyone must make the same changes to their robot
Teams for today:
Boy Group 1: Titus and Bentley
Boy Group 2: Garrett and Alex
Boy Group 3: Eli and Finn
Boy Group 4: Kaesyn and Julian
Boy Group 5: Braylon and Timothy
If anyone gets a challenge completed let us know, so we can come and watch it.
HAPPY HALLOWEEN - If you need to leave early tonight, that is OK.
Captain Jack will be our
CompETition robot pilot
10/29/2024 - Divide and conquer ( 13 of 22 )
Pirates Role Call: Timothy, Braylon, Titus, Julian, Eli, Bentley, Kaesyn, Alex, Finn, Garrett
Snacks and Water
Coach's Corner -
I AM A COACH, not a class teacher
My football coach did not teach me the rules of football
I expect you to learn how to program a robot ON YOUR OWN
I will not be teaching a programming class
You have to learn together as teammates, helping each other
Coach taught me how to play my position on the team
Coach provided our team with what we needed
How I practiced, determine my position on the team
Reflection - WE ARE A TEAM, not a class
We have come a long way so far, but we have a long way to go
I love working with you guys, keep working hard, don't give up on the team (or yourself)
Our team goal is to score as many points as we can
In FLL there is only offence. There is no defense
What this team needs right now - FOCUS
the competition robot
The Robot that we will use during the competition
Each challenge needs separate software - DIVIDE
The more we have done , the more points we get
We have to load all this software onto one robot - COMBINE
We need everyone working on challenge software for our team robot - CONQUER
Each challenge is different, they may need different attachments
If so, build them and write software to use them
Boy Group 1
Boy Group 2
Boy Group 3
Boy Group 4
Boy Group 5
10/24/2024 - one for all, all for one ( 12 of 22 )
Pirates Role Call: Timothy, Braylon, Titus, Julian, Eli, Bentley, Kaesyn, Alex, Finn, Garrett
Snacks and Water
No Pirate Game Today - We must stay BUSY!!!
Titus/Bentley - One robot design for all Pirates - Use the Design from Quarterback Titus
Titus to explain, or show where to find the build instructions for our SKULL TEAM ROBOT.
If teammates need help, Titus can help (BUT only a little... BUILD IT YOURSELF).
Titus and his teammate will have a head start (and that is OK)
ALL OTHER PIRATES: Build a TEAM ROBOT (QTY 4). Teams of two.
Once built, you can pick a challenge and start working to solve it using your new TEAM ROBOT.
Everyone MUST work with the TEAM ROBOT DESIGN.
You CAN create and build an attachment if needed for your challenge.
Anything new to add from other team mates?
Be thinking about our research project presentation to the judges
A play - A shark (or two), some divers and different wetsuit weapons to explain to the judges.
ON THE TEAM - Finn, Garrett, Titus, Bentley, Kaesyn
NOT ON THE TEAM - Julian, Eli, Braylon, Alex, Timothy - "Officially"
I've ordered 5 of these flags
When you team solves your first challenge...
I'll give you a flag for your robot.
Note 1: They have been ordered but have not been received yet.
Note 2: Two teams can not solve the same challenge, must be different.
10/22/2024 - land ho!!!, Dec 7th has been sighted ( 11 of 22 )
Pirates Role Call: Titus, Alex, Eli, Bentley, Finn, Garrett, Braylon, Kaesyn, Julian
Snacks and Water
No Pirate Game Today - We have to get BUSY!!!
ALL PIRATES, Dec 7th is 12 meetings away from now! We have to get serious and down to business.
We have two tables now - !!!
Shay and I will set up one table with all the challenge sets that we have completed, while boys work on robots.
Titus, pick someone to work with on a team robot.
Titus works on robot and your team mate starts working on base code
Find plans on Google or YouTube for a basic robot that supports attachments
Gather up all parts needed into a bag or container.
Start building it today, if not finished, take it home and finish it for Thursday
On Thursday, teach others how to build more of this same robot.
It is time for us to have one robot plan. We can make changes/improvements if needed.
All other boys, groups of two: Shay will assign groups.
Using the empty table, the second table.
Design, build and code a very simple robot that will ...
1. Start at one end of the table
2. Drives all the way to the other end wall
3. Stops on contact with the wall
4. Backs up a little bit
5. Turns around and goes back to the start wall
6. Stops on contact with the start wall and plays a sound.
Research Project Presentation
Does anyone have anything to share with the group about your research assignment?
We have table(s)
Simple Robot
10/17/2024 - FIRE IN THE HOLE ( 10 of 22 )
Pirates Role Call: Finn, Eli, Alex, Bentley, Kaesyn, Braylon, Julian, Garrett, Titus
Snacks and Water
Pirate Game - Fire in the hole game.
Research Project Presentation
See below...
Break up into teams of two
Use mat on the floor and add one challenge set. (Change Shipping Lanes Challenge)
Challenge Games Video Set the counter to 5:33 - Mission 13
All teams build and solve this challenge. Let's see what you can do.
Build it, program it, run it, improve it.
Keep trying, innovate and iterate.
We need to start doing research on wetsuit weapons. Google searches for:
Underwater tools, wet suit weapons, scuba diver tools, What a some problems divers face? Underwater Utility Tool
Wetsuit Weapon
Wetsuit Wench
Wetsuit Wench
Spearfishing with scuba gear is illegal and the use of power heads as well. Penalties are severe and include fines, confiscation of gear and even imprisonment. United States has different spearfishing regulations for each state.
10/15/2024 - Feed the shark ( 9 of 22 )
Pirates Role Call: Alex, Bentley, Kaesyn, Braylon, Titus, Garrett, Julian
Snacks and Water
Pirate Game - Feed the Shark
Research Project Presentation
Prepare for the Event - Dec 7th: Prepare for the Event
FLL Example Videos
Your Team Project Video: Project Help
Talk about our project as a group.
OceanX Team - Meet the OceanX Crew Members
Ask the two guys from last week what they came up with.
Maybe role play, think about presentation, how about a skit
Review judges rubric.
Yo Ho, Song - Explain why we are pirates - Team Sing Yo! Ho! Song: Song Link Here
Break up into teams of two
Use mat on the floor and add one challenge set. (Change Shipping Lanes Challenge)
Set the counter to 5:33 - Mission 13
All teams build and solve this challenge. Let's see what you can do.
Build it, program it, run it, improve it.
Keep trying, innovate and iterate.
Ejection Handle
Escape from damaged sub
Shark Catcher
Capture for study
Shark Proof Suit
Protection from attack
Waterproof Drone
Another tool for scientist
Propeller Backpack
Aid for underwater motion
Underwater Communication
Scientist must communicate
Underwater Display Device
Provides info to divers
Wetsuit Weapon
Protect and collect
10/3/2024 - Swab the deck ( 8 of 22 )
Pirates Role Call: Eli, Alex, Bentley, Kaesyn, Julian, Braylon, Garrett, Titus, Finn, Shay, and Terry
Snacks and Gator Aide - All stores are out of water due to Hurricane
Pirate Game - Swab the deck - The crew had trouble gathering three ping pong balls with two brushes.
Research Project - Reduced the number of ideas down to one or two.
Ask two people to keep working on the Research Project today. Titus and Alex (I can't rember?) worked on this.
Break up into teams of two - Boys were crazy today because of fall break, hopefully more on task next meeting.
Use mat on the floor and add a few challenge sets.
Pick a challenge set, come up with a robot design for that challenge.
Build it and program it.
Keep trying, innovate and iterate.
10/1/2024 - Blackbeard the pirate ( 7 of 22 )
Pirates Role Call: Alex, Bentley, Kaesyn, Julian, Braylon, Garrett, Titus, Finn, Shay, Katie, and Terry.
Snacks and water - Rule #1 - Tell Mr. Terry where you are going. Get permission to leave the library.
Read the history of Blackbeard and revealed the Queen Anne's Revenge (Model made by Mr. Terry, see below).
Pirate Game - Play the game, "Keep Blackbeard and his Men Out of Charleston SC"
Great cannon shots by all, Titus and Finn saved the day from the pirate invasion. (Four hits, but I can't remember all four that hit)
We reviewed our 2024 meeting schedule. This was number 7 of 22 possible meetings before competition day.
Reviewing Scoring Pie Chart, Review our Core Values
Research Project - Reduced the number of ideas down to eight.
Build Attachments Lesson - Talked about different types of robot attachments.
Broke up into teams of two, continue to learn how to use the Lego programming application web site.
SPECIAL THANKS: to Katie for bringing the "treasure" chest for storing our robot parts.
I was getting tire of lugging all that stuff around.
Alex and Finn: Worked on a two wheel robot with a front skid ball.
Kaesyn and Julian: Built a combo robot.
Titus, Bentley and Garrett built and programmed a robot that spins in a circle.
Braylon, made special modifications to the Monster Truck robot and worked on programming.
terry's model
Queen Anne's Revenge
research project ideas
top 8
1) Suit Weapon, 2) Shark Catcher,
3) Shark Proof Suit, 4) Water Proof Drone,
5) Ejection Handle, 6) Propeller Backpack,
7) Underwater Communication Device, 8) Underwater Display Device,
9/26/2024 - PIRATE ShipS Battle ( 6 of 22 )
Pirates Role Call: Alex, Bentley, Julian, Braylon, Garrett, Titus, Terry and our newest crew member Finn. Welcome Finn!
Pirate Game - We had a pirate ship battle with cardboard ships and paper cannon balls. Titus made the winning shot!
We talked a little bit about the Qualifier Event on Dec 7th. The weeks are counting down. We have to stay focused.
Broke up into teams of two and continued with Lego Spike Prime Software training.
Alex and Finn, worked thru some programming problems and used the direct wire connection method.
Braylon and Julian concentrated on building robots but not so much on programming them. Maybe next time.
Garrett worked alone but made some great progress. He also had a hub unit that needed charging, so he used the USB cable.
Titus and Bentley stole the show by building and programming a six motor MONSTER TRUCK. (see videos below). I'm proud of these guys!
Great meeting, but a little bit out of control. We did have lots of FUN!
Monster Truck - Slow
monster truck - fast
9/24/2024 - POP-UP PIRATE ( 5 of 22 )
Pirates Role Call: Alex, Eli, Garrett, Kaesyn, Titus, Bentley, Braylon, Shay, Katie, Terry and new crew member Julian
We played Pop-Up Pirate game, losers had to read us the following:
Engineering Design Process - Communicate, Identify, Design, Create, Iterate, (Repeat)
FIRST Core Values - Teamwork, Inclusion, Impact, Innovation, Discovery, Fun
Four Parts of Lego League Challenge - Core Values, Robot Design, Robot Game, Innovation Project
Innovation Project - "Dive into a problem faced by people who explore the oceans."
Discuss Team Project
Brain Storming Ideas
Team Roles - Crew members got to pick their job titles.
Shay and principal Nicely are working on our crew T-Shirts.
Practice Programming Robots - 5 robots all going at once, a little crazy! Special thanks to Katie for helping us out with this!
We need to finish all Challenge Sets (I think we have two more to complete).
Used Engineering Notebooks.
All crew members got tattoos, this made my pirates go a little bit crazy!
*** Great News ***, Katie said the goal was to have the table topper finished this weekend, The crew is ready for it!
KCS tech support (Art O'Brien) came through and got us web access to the Lego Prime software site for our school Chrome books.
Pirate Crew pictures posted. Parents: If you do not want photos posted, please request removal.
Crew Roles
Team Captain - Braylon, Finn
Creative Designers - Julian, Alex, Titus
Researcher - Garrett
Communicator - Julian, Finn
Project Management - Braylon, Bentley
Material Manager - Bentley, Titus
Builders - Eli, Kaesyn, Garrett, Julian, Bentley
Mission Strategist - Titus
Coders - Kaesyn, Alex
research project ideas
1) Water suit with thrusters, 2) Improved high pressure design,
3) Underwater Photography, 4) Buy a used submarine,
5) Ejection Handle, 6) Improvements to Oxygen Handlers,
7) Shark Proof Suit, 8) Suit Weapon, 9) Shark Catcher,
10) Sub Backup Emergency Rope, 11) "Jarvis" computer suit,
12) Underwater Communication Device, 13) Use lights to comm.,
14) Improve Sub Motion Control, 15) Propeller Backpack,
16) Waterproof Drones, 17) Underwater Shelter with Oxygen,
18) Underwater Display Device, 19) Screen Door for Submarine
9/19/2024 - The two towers ( 4 of 22 )
Pirates on board today: Alex, Garrett, Kaesyn, Titus, Braylon, Bentley, Shay and Terry.
We played "Two Towers " Game and learned that 2:30 seconds is not very long. Our team's robot will have to complete as many of the fifteen missions as we can program it to do in two minutes and 30 seconds. This is not very much time. We have to be good robot builders and great programmers.
Today was Pirate Day at the school. Braylon and Terry put together our team flag - THE JOLLEY ROGER -
We watch the video again that explains the missions and how many points that each mission will give us.
Each team member is to review the 15 missions and pick the ones that they want to work on. They will have to decide how to build a robot that can complete the mission(s) and program it to perform the mission tasks.
We continued to learn basic programming skills.
We handed out our Engineering Notebooks. The team can use them for review and for note taking of their engineering progress.
I think we are down to only one LEGO challenge set left to complete.
Hopefully, we can get our table topper in the next week or two.
Terry is going to call the school to get internet access rights to run the Lego software on our school Chrome books.
9/17/2024 - walk the plank ( 3 of 22 )
Pirates on board today: Eli, Garrett, Kaesyn, Titus, Braylon, Bentley, Shay, Katie and Terry plus special guest, Jacob (HSchool Senior)
We played "Walk the Plank" Game and learned some engineering words - INNOVATE, ITERATION, REVISION, IMPROVEMENT, PERFECTION, GOOD ENOUGH, TRY AGAIN
Did not get theses handed out today: Engineering Notebooks: Use them, not in order, we have 22 lessons planned, Your book has 12.
Continue to learn basic programming skills (two team members here)
Used the mat on the floor
Need to get internet access to Lego online software for student Chromebooks (Teacher Craig is working on this for Thursday)
Continue with building of Lego Challenge Sets (rest of the team here)
Snacks, chips and water
Rewatched the Robot Game Challenges Video (Keep working on your challenge set)
Homework: Review this video, put all 15 in order and rank them easiest to hardest. (Every ones order will be different - OK)
Took some Pirate pictures
See new web page of "Important Links"
Parents sign up for the team online, make it official.
feed the whale
Bentley & Shay
artificial habitat
Coral reef
research vessel
9/12/2024 - great progress ( 2 of 22 )
There was some confusion about this meeting. School staff thought all clubs started next week, but FLL needed to get going.
Attendance: Garrett, Bentley, Titus, Kaesyn, Shay, Alex and Coach Terry
Started out watching a simple robot demo call "Wall". The robot would go foward, hit a wall and turn around.
Everyone got to see what the programming environment looks like on the Chromebook.
Alex came in a little late but made some great progress on making code changes.
Shay, help out a lot with the challenge set builds. The team got four challenge sets built in one night. *** Great Progress Team SKULL ***
Only have 3 team members "officially" signed up on our FIRST LEGO LEAGUE web site.
Parents complete the sign up process online. I sent out invites to everyone. If you didn't get an invite email me:
Signed up Team Members are : 1. Titus, 2. Bentley, and 3. Kaesyn
All for now, see you on Tuesday.
Coral nursery
sample Collection
angler Fish
Sonar discovery
9/10/2024 - first SKULL TEAM meeting ( 1 of 22 )
We had a good turn out today. Seven possible team members. I want to limit the team to eight members, so this is great!
Invites have been sent out to parents. Please follow the instructions in the email to get your child officially signed up.
Shay, has volunteered to be our Team Administrator.
Coach Terry introduced Katie at the meeting. She ran the video. She said she could be our second coach.
Note: I'm only going to use first names on this web site for security reasons.
The cookies were good.
We watched this video:
The video explains all 15 missions and how many points are possible for each challenge.
Tentative team meeting schedule below: Sorry might be hard to read... I might work on a better format later.
If you see any errors below, please let me know. email:
All for now, See you on Thursday.
8/18/2024 - additional Grant money gets approved
More Grant Money
8/19/2024 - BAE P&S - $250.00
7/11/2024 - TN VALLEY ROBOTICS - $265.00
7/102024 - ARCONIC FOUNDATION - $750.00
Total Team Grant Money = $1,265.00
With additional funds and support provided by the following:
Terry Technologies
So-Kno Robo - South Doyle High School Robotics Team - Katie Devinney & students
South Knoxville Elementary School - Principal Tana Nicely
Shay Smith - Team Administrator
7/31/2024 - Lego Supplies Arrived Today
We just got our field and challenge kits! What fun awaits our team! Our first challenge is building all these kits for us to practice on.
Obstacle/Challenge Kits
The Team will starts out building these!
(The SPIKE robot kits are in the back boxes.)
7/11/2024 - OUR team Grant money gets approved
We used the funds to purchase the following:
First Lego League Challenge Team Registration ----------------------------------------------------------------------- $250.00
First Lego League Challenge Student Engineering Notebooks ----------------------------------------------------------------------- $50.00
First Lego League Challenge Set ----------------------------------------------------------------------- $95.00
Lego Education SPIKE Prime Robotics Kit ----------------------------------------------------------------------- $539.90